EDITED BY Francesca Molteni and Cristiana Colli

TEXTS Francesca Molteni and Cristiana Colli

PHOTOS Andrea Astesiano, Armando Bertacchi, Mario Carrieri, Vittorio Dozio, Andrea Martiradonna, Tiziano Sartorio, Studio Guisset, Miro Zagnoli



Pages 224



People, countries, cities. Clients, events and prototypes.

Architects, designers and collections.

Whole worlds and individual encounters related in Stories, a new publication that Dada presents on the eve of the 2013 Salone del Mobile.

Not a traditional catalogue but more an ensemble of narratives, each one considering the world of Dada from a different – and always novel – viewpoint in terms of product and project. It celebrates 30 years of kitchens and achievements but above all it focuses on umpteen dinners, lunches and breakfasts. Interviews with architects and technical experts alongside meetings with families, couples, men and women who live, work, play, dream… and cook. It is a means of entering the lives of others, with discretion and much curiosity.

Stories are the people we met, countries and cities we visited, customers who chose us, events we organized, episodes we related, architects we designed with,

prototypes we built, designers who worked with us.

Stories are real lives of real people in real houses, across the world, next door, just around the corner.

Stories are families, couples, men and women living, working, praying, playing, dreaming, cooking, reading, thinking.

Stories is a stream of places, products, ideas, coincidences, experiences, interferences.

Stories is every place where thoroughly Italian products, made with passion, are to be found.