EXHIBITION BY Francesca Molteni
PROJECT FOR Molteni&C at Demanio marittimo. KM 278 (Ancona), 2011.
Traveling exhibition.
In 2011 Molteni&C presents the exhibition Quality on the road, to propose in a 3D shape the contents of the book Qm and make the Space Qm a traveling space (set-design project by Studio Cerry & Associati and multimedia installation by Francesca Molteni), bringing the Molteni’s Quality on a trip on the Italian and international territory.
QallaM on the road is a crate, like the ones used to transport Picassos; it is an old-fashioned trunk for a contemporary Grand Tour; it is a conjuror’s box from which top hats, rabbits and wizards may emerge. It is a crate with a capital C that bears the same stamps that are given at Customs Offices and check points, the same stencil marks as containers on cargo ships, the same ticks that packers note down on their lists when they unpack something valuable. It travels round Italy and Europe, and accompanies Molteni&C’s Quality project physically and visually, Quality that can be seen, heard and touched. It contains precious objects and projects: hinges for furniture, tiny models of ships and transatlantic liners, screens for video projections, prototypes and material tests, cupboard doors, plinths, postcards and catalogues, letters and photographs.
It is a mobile container. Inside there are ideas, thoughts, a company’s places and its networks; there are special projects and mass produced items, a contract, designers, workers, suppliers and partners. That crate also holds the roots and the vision of a Group traveling the world. In the beginning there was an idea; that idea then turned into a book, then a space and then a road show as well.
QallaM project is a workshop that moves from the heart of manufacturing through the creative lands of design and architecture; it is a sensor and a multiplier of those traces of innovation that firms and territories look to for their development.
Check out the book Qm.